About Külli Jacobson

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So far Külli Jacobson has created 18 blog entries.

Estonian Island Tour Was a Visit to Crafters’ Paradise

DAY1 – KURESSAARE is the capital of the biggest island in Estonia called Saaremaa. This is where the Handcraft Tour to Estonian Islands began. We have 15 beautiful ladies around the world, gathered to find out the charms of Saaremaa, Muhu and Kihnu islands.
We took a bus from Tallinn to Virtsu, where the short 20 minute ferry ride took us to Kuivastu on Muhu Island. Craft master Velli welcomed us in her craft store in the harbor.
We had lunch in Kaali Tavern and also a chance to visit the meteor crater nearby.
After checking in to Arensburg Hotel we were ready for a town tour. Marje guided us through the beautiful streets and squares of the downtown Kuressaare. The final stop was the medieval castle.

DAY2 – LÜMANDA AND LEEDRI are just two of many lovely villages in Saaremaa. But before we got there, we had the first workshop of the Handcraft Tour to Estonian Islands.
Imbi Padar, a passionate knitter and researcher of local mitten knitting art, welcomed us in Kuressaare Art Gallery. She had set up a table full of amazing samples of 59 different cuffs from Saaremaa.
After a small introductory we started to work on our own mitten cuff in Mustjala style. At the same time, some students sneaked downstairs to admire some local jewelry and designer clothing.
Bus took us to lunch to Lümanda Restaurant, where some fresh vegetables, tasty pork with salads were served to us.
Then we drove to Leedri village. A quilter Jaanika Tiitson guided us through her home village with such a long history, strong families, and beautiful landscapes.
Also located in the same village is Saaremaa juniper syrup makers Kadakakoda. We got to admire the beautiful home and also taste some really fantastic produce.
Regardless of a little drizzle, we visited the Mihkli open air museum in Viki. We learned why this 300 years old farm is exceptional among many open air museums. And the reason is: all the buildings have been there – nothing was added, nothing was taken away. It was purchased from the original owner Peeter Reht, whose ancestors had lived there for centuries.
Our last attraction of the day was a visit to a lime quarry. We learned a lot about the old process, saw some kilns and had a pleasant walk in the woods.

DAY3 – KAARMA AND ANGLA AND LAIMJALA got into our hearts. Picturesque landscapes, cute villages, and warm people surrounded us everywhere. We started our day at Kuressaare Vacation school textile department. There was huge classroom full of looms on the outskirts of the town. Teachers Kaie and Anne showed us around their kingdom.
Next we visited an ancient church at Kaarma. Built in 1260, bell-tower added in 1410, it is one of the most ancient churches at the island. Sarah sang us to prove the amazing acoustics. Although the space was rather narrow we managed to climb up the tower.
We continued our trip to Mareli’s farm, who is a craft master specializing mostly in felting. She is also organizing courses where one can make local traditional costumes.
We had lunch at Angla windmill hill followed by a workshop in felting. It was really cute to see what people choose to create, and how lovely they came out.
For the evening we went to Nooda farm, where Mare hosted a great homemade dinner, some crafts and dancing.

DAY4 – EMBROIDERING IN MUHU is a challenge, because there are so many beautiful and well mastered embroidered items around. On the other hand it encourages you to try to learn this skill. And as it’s so hard at first you appreciate the work of the local masters even more.
We had an embroidery workshop with Alliki and Velli this morning, where we learned to draw a strawberry with the yarn and needle.
An old parish house was turned into craft house in Liiva, the capital of Muhu, also displayed couple of exhibitions.
After tasty lunch we headed to the local museum and had an interesting tour on their premises.
Muhu’s traditional clothing is very colorful and finely made. Easily a pair of gloves could have 160 stitches on a round.
Muhu has beautiful and bright clothes for both men and women.
Before heading home we stopped at Männiku Farm where Sirje Tüür is creating her fantastic embroidered masterpieces.

DAY5 – THE COLORS IN MUHU are amazingly bright and beautiful. All the mittens, gloves, stockings and sweaters are knitted with such a great taste and talent.
Our day started in Hellamaa, where a temporary exhibition of old textiles from people’s homes was put on. We had a chance to investigate them close up and admire the fine pieces of art.
Then we continued to the ostrich farm in Nautse. After a short stop at a second hand shop we visited a designer’s studio for some great fashion. The designer Triinu Traumann introduced us her work and told us how she was using Muhu traditional patterns in her fashion.
Today’s workshop was on Muhu knitted cuffs. Alliki and Velli taught us some casting on tricks. With some bright colors and thin needles we recreated a cuff of one museum item.
We had dinner in the southern harbor in a fish restaurant. Delicious food, good company and mild breeze, evening well spent!
Getting back to our great farm hotel, we saw a smoke raising from the chimney. So now we are getting ready for sauna.

DAY6 – TÕSTAMAA is the capital of inlay knitting in Estonia. It is also very conveniently located between Muhu Island and Kihnu Island. So getting off from the ferry, that’s where we headed.
Anu Randmaa and her team welcomed us at Tõstamaa handicraft center. They had prepared a nice workshop for us: in the inlay knitting technique, also called ROOSIMINE in Estonian, we started to knit a pin cushion.
Lunch place was located on Ermistu lake, where we took the chance and dipped in. It was a beautiful hot summer day.
Before we started heading towards Pärnu, we got some shopping done at the craft store.
Pärnu is the summer capital of Estonia: beautiful, wide beach with fine white sand, lots of cafes and restaurants, many joyful, vacationing people wonderful atmosphere.

DAY7 – KIHNU is a really small island off the Estonian western coast near Pärnu.
We took the ferry in Munalaiu Harbor and in one hour we reached Kihnu.
A truck was waiting to take us for a tour. The first stop was at a sheep farmers. They had hung a lot of local traditional costume skirts to air. It was like an exhibition for us. Their yarn is absolutely beautiful. Many of us couldn’t resist buying some.
We drove by northern harbor, local cemetery and arrived at the museum.
Mare, our guide on the island, walked us through the interesting history of Kihnu Island.
After delicious home made meal at Sireli farm by Eve, we started the workshop. Our teacher Elly is the well known sweater knitter. Kihnu sweater is called a troi. Elly had charted us her favorite sleeve ending. Now we were to knit some wrist warmers in the same troi style.
Evening ended with sauna and swimming in a pond. Then we walked to the seaside passing some quiet idyllic rural landscapes and admired the sunset.

DAY8 – KIHNU is still quite small island, but for a crafter, there are many things to do and admire.
Some of us stayed overnight at Veronika’s in Pärnamõisa, a beautiful B&B in Lina Village. So our morning started with a 1,4 km walk on picturesque rural roads.
After breakfast, we started our class which today was on different braiding techniques from Kihnu Island. The weather was pleasant, warm breeze from nearby sea, we decided to stay outside.
We learned three ways of braiding, which you can use for tying or decoration edging or handle for a project bag.
We had lunch at Sireli Farm, then we continued to the local orthodox church.
Before fairy, we had enough time to climb up the lighthouse. Breathtakingly beautiful view, accompanied by a quite strong wind, made it a memorable experience.

You are very welcome to join us next summer. Please write us at info@nordicknitters.com for info and reservation.

By |2024-07-29T19:20:23+00:00July 21st, 2024|Nordic Knitters|0 Comments

The Enchanting World of Estonian Craftsmanship

I invite You to step into the enchanting world of Estonian craftsmanship with our exquisite hand-knit gloves, lovingly crafted by skilled artisans and showcased exclusively at NordicKnitters.com/shop

Each pair tells a story of timeless tradition and intricate artistry, echoing the rich cultural heritage of Estonia. Delicately woven with passion and precision, our gloves boast intricate patterns inspired by nature’s beauty and the vibrant tapestry of Estonian folklore.

From the whimsical twists of leaves to the intricate motifs reminiscent of snowflakes glistening under the northern lights, every stitch is a testament to the artisan’s dedication to preserving the legacy of their ancestors. Made from the finest locally sourced wool, these gloves not only provide warmth but also envelop you in the essence of Baltic charm and elegance.

Adorn your hands with a piece of Estonian history, a testament to the enduring allure of age-old craftsmanship and the boundless creativity of the human spirit. Experience the magic of NordicKnitters.com/shop and indulge in the luxury of authentic Estonian hand-knit gloves, where tradition meets sophistication in every stitch.


Embark on a journey of creativity and connection at our exclusive glove knitting retreat, where enthusiasts and come together to celebrate the art of crafting by hand. Nestled amidst the serene beauty of Tartu, Estonia, our retreat offers a unique opportunity to immerse yourself in the rich tradition of glove knitting while surrounded by like-minded individuals.

Over the course of our retreat, you’ll be guided by expert instructors who will impart their knowledge and expertise, helping you master techniques passed down through generations. From mastering intricate stitch patterns to learning the secrets of proper shaping, each day is filled with inspiration and discovery.

But it’s not just about the knitting; it’s about forging friendships, sharing stories, and creating memories that will last a lifetime. Whether you’re seeking to hone your skills or simply craving a rejuvenating escape, join us for an unforgettable experience where creativity knows no bounds. Come, be a part of our vibrant community of knitters, and let your imagination soar as you weave magic with every stitch.

More info at info@NordicKnitters.com or +372 5034386

By |2024-03-18T07:56:14+00:00March 18th, 2024|Nordic Knitters|0 Comments

Haapsalu Lace is World Famous, Come Learn with the Best

Haapsalu Lace Knitting Tour started with four wonderful eager ladies, who all are very fond of lace knitting.
After checking in Fra Mare Spa Hotel and dinner we had a visit planned. And not an ordinary visit, but we were invited to lace knitting master Helin Põldve’s home.
It was like entering a lace paradise. She had set up a huge scarf on the stretching rack for us to see. Then she started pulling different color shawls and scarves out of a box like a magician. All the patterns are original designs by herself. She had swans and doves and lily of the valley. Some were inspired from nature, some again from the traditional heritage. She is deeply touched by the situation in Ukraine, so designing and knitting peace doves was her salvation.
Thank you so much, Helin, for showing us your wonder world.

This morning we went to Haapsalu Lace Centre to start learning how to knit like local masters. Siiri Reimann, who is a great knitting teacher and designer, was going to guide us through this process of Haapsalu lace shawl making.
The shawl consists of two parts, the centerpiece and the edging, which is later sewn onto the center piece. Then we’re going to block it and it’s done! We are, of course making a tiny sample, size of a sheet of paper. But regardless, it’s a lot of work and many hours.
The Lace center itself is a very inspiring place because its museum room displays just grand items and the shop side is full of elegant, fine lace work.
Our group is very advanced, so everybody is progressing quite rapidly. We were given a homework today to finish the edging. So tomorrow after a nice city tour we might start the sewing-on process.
And of course, I have to mention that the lunch at Dietrich was delicious. I recommend that place when you are in a vicinity.

When I met our participants over the breakfast table I heard that most of them had a very long night. They finished the homework and got the edging done. Congratulations! Our teacher Siiri will be really pleased.
For the Haapsalu town tour by Helin Põldve we gathered at the train station to learn that the beautiful building was finished in 1905 and in order to celebrate Russian czar visit they built a magnificent 260 m roofed platform, which is still the longest one in Europe.
Then we strolled on chocolate promenade and admired the waterfront and luxury homes. Out tour ended in the museum, where we got lucky to see some old and some new festive gowns.
A Greece Restaurant served us some taste food. Although yesterdays cakes were so unforgettable, we had to go back to Dietrich for some more.
During the afternoon knitting class we learned how to sew the edging to the centerpiece. We used a lot of stitch markers, counting, and some logic, also a really long needle and plenty of yarn to make a VERY stretchy seam. Once that was done, the samples went into a wash. Then we pinned them to a cushion to dry.

It is the tradition of a local knitting club to organize a sit together event called Midnight Knitting on Friday before the Lace Festival. People gather, all dressed in white to do handicraft, which mostly is of course, a lace knitting.
As they start quite late 10 PM, it’s dark outside already. The lights are on, the windows are open and people sitting inside a cheering everybody who’s passing by and people walking by curiously look inside and wave! Such a joyful atmosphere, we were so glad to be part of it.

This morning we had our last session with Siiri. We unpinned our samples and the result made us smile. Just pure pleasure and joy to admire what they have accomplished!
Now we needed to do one last step and pick all the outer loops on a wooden knitting needle again, wet it slightly and set aside for couple of hours.
Meanwhile, we had a stack of pattern books to browse through. Everybody needed to find a favorite pattern for the centerpiece and a matching pattern for the edging in order to get started with the actual full size Haapsalu shawl. Siiri helped us to calculate the correct number of stitches for both pieces. The count reached 1,000 ( for the edging 🙂 )
Lunch took us to a veggie restaurant Beguta. Another treasure of Haapsalu dining scene. Most of the dishes were vegan, nice clean and healthy tastes. On the afternoon we strolled via an handicraft market and reached the Haapsalu Castle. It was recently renovated and has an exciting new inside. We got lucky with a very funny guide Jaak, who turned out to be the director himself.
Before diving into spa pleasures we got a chance to listen to some nice organ and handbell music in the castle’s cathedral.

What a wonderful day it was today full of great people, a lot of knitting, amazing lace works and a lot of laughing. We gathered in the Lace Center to open the festival. The guests to the event were mostly dressed in lace. What a lovely sight it was!
On midday a new lace knitting pattern-book presentation took place. Helga-Miralda Rüütel is a 93-years old knitting master, who’s 54 lace shawls knitted during the last 10 years are now in a book (and at the exhibition at the center). The fashion show presented us some of the latest works of Haapsalu lace masters.
At 1 o’clock started the lace knitting competition. There were two category: advanced and the highest-level. The later is meant for those knitters who have previously won the advanced level competition. Needles, yarn and charts were given out, and the race started. There was two hours to complete the work, stretch it and pin it to the board. This year they had a record number of participants: 36 knitters, eight of which were at the highest level.
What a great experience! Thank you so much, dear Lace Center knitters.

Hiiumaa is the second largest island in Estonia. It has probably more sheep living there than people. Therefore local wool yarn is used and sold in many places and you can find lots of beautiful
products made out of it.
First, we visited an old wool mill Hiiu Villavabrik. Unfortunately, they had a maintenance day so we couldn’t observe them working. Then we continued to an organic farm Lepaniidi Mahetalu, growing goats and sheep and vegetables. As it was raining, the goats prefer to stay inside and we had a great opportunity to pet them. We left that place with loads of local yarn.
Kärdla is the capital town of the islands where we found many wonderful handicraft stores. Also visited the Long House Museum (Pikk Maja), which used to be the director’s living quarters and offices during the great wool fabric manufacture time.
The weather outside got fiercer and windier. During our lunch hour, we ate in the Roograhu harbor, watching waves crash the piers.
Afternoon brought us a workshop by Heli in her farm house Pähkli talu in the middle of the woods, where we mixed together a body scrub. This is the place where Hiiu Ihuhooldus products are all made: soaps and shower gels, moisturizers, lip balms, etc.
Ferry ride back was again peaceful, sun was setting, and we were tired but happy of the long day on this beautiful island.

It was great to see blue sky and sun as we were getting ready to drive to Lihula to meet local embroidery masters. We got very lucky, the embroidered blankets exhibition was still open for last few days. And that was absolutely amazing. New and old blankets were on the display, as well as some designed clothes and home textiles.
The exhibit and our workshop took place in a 18th century manor house, where they have newly renovated some rooms. This magnificent building is a weekly gathering spot for many clubs and social activities, including Lihula embroiderers and history society.
The manor house itself is located in an ancient 13th century stronghold. There is some history-mystery hidden in Lihula.
We had three teachers who showed us some basic stitches and few tricks. Then we traced the pattern twice on the nice, thick woolen fabric and were ready to choose some colored yarns. We were also taught how to choose colors and compare them against the background.
Thank you, Lihula ladies, we had a fun day with you!

Please let us know of you would like to be part of this celebration: info@nordicknitters.com
Also check out our page https://www.facebook.com/EstonianMittens/

By |2023-09-12T15:54:28+00:00September 12th, 2023|Nordic Knitters|0 Comments

Amazing Seto Culture and Handicraft – See the Local Life

This year’s Seto handicraft tour started on August 1st, 2023. We had 12 wonderful people all over the world coming to learn some very special Seto traditional craft techniques. I am so happy to welcome Australian Estonians, and Estonian lady from the United States, we have people from Austria, Finland, Lithuania, Netherlands.
On the first day we visited the Estonia National Museum in Tartu. It is an amazing high-tech, modern museum, one-of-a-kind, showing and preserving the every day lives of Estonian people.
We also had a nice lunch in their restaurant.
On the second day we started with the workshops. In the morning singing mother, handicraft master and school teacher Maret Vabarna walked us through the slightly complicated process of setting up tablets for weaving. Belts woven with tablets are quite common in Seto clothing. Once we got it all set up it was pure joy to weave and see the belts growing.
Afternoon brought us some embroidering excitement. Seto kingdom master Marje Linnus showed us how to embroider traditional Seto square stitch. It is very important that it’s done in one long stretch without covering anything double, and that the work will look the same beautiful on both sides.
I was happy to hear that our participants rented bicycles last night and checked out the vicinity. Also, the spa was very popular.

Buss took us to Saatserinna corner of Setomaa in the morning. There is a beautiful handicraft farmhouse in Litvina village called Kriisa talo whose owner is Kala Ingrit.
We spent the whole day there, doing crafts, and enjoying gourmet food picked fresh from the garden.
Our first workshop was learning the seto colorful, crocheted lace. Our teacher Vabarna Jane first showed us all these beautiful works she has done over the years. She started crocheting when she was 16 years old and since then she’s been crocheting master and contest winner for many years.
In order to get a fine result, you need to use a really thin yarn and tiny needle size one.
My students were all really eager. I’m so proud of them that they did not switch to an easier bigger needle size and thicker yarn.
Before lunch our hostess Ingrit showed us how to make local cheese called sõir. This was our appetizer followed by delicious dish she made.
Afternoon workshop was about doll making. In order to understand all the different pieces and details on seto woman’s traditional clothing we made a doll fully equipped with all these important things, instructed by Ingrit.
Dinner was served by the local gourmet restaurant Maagõkõnõ. Once again, vegetables from their own garden and fresh pike from nearby lake Peipus.

Today we learned how to make a sprang belt. Our teacher Marit Külv is very skillful and knowledgeable, she has done her university thesis on the topic.
In the beginning, we got the historic overview of this really ancient technique. Then we started warping – it is the trickiest part of the process. The twisting afterwards is very enjoyable.
For lunch, Seto Museum’s Tsäimaja served us some delicious slow oven-cook lamb.
We spent the afternoon inspecting and researching the old textiles what they keep at the museum, and then we had a guided tour at the old farmhouse complex.
A nice walk to the holy spring finished our day.

It was a glorious day, full of joy, singing, dancing, beautiful traditional clothing, good food, and great company.
Here is a gallery of some moments I captured with my camera. As the village is located on the water, you could come here and leave with the boat – that was just so very cool. There were a lot of contests on different foods and drinks, handicrafts, singing, and dancing.
New queen for Seto was elected and the military parade celebrated this event.

Please let us know of you would like to be part of this celebration: info@nordicknitters.com

Also check out our page https://www.facebook.com/EstonianMittens/

By |2023-09-12T15:28:49+00:00September 12th, 2023|Nordic Knitters|0 Comments

How to Knit Traditional Estonian Gloves

Here we go, it started – the Glove Knitting Retreat in Estonia with five wonderful women. We had a nice lunch in Tartu and took a little walking tour to see the historic hilly downtown. We spent a lot of time studying different books to find the perfect pattern and colors for the gloves. There are so many options to do the cuff. Thousands of patterns to choose from so it is a really tricky job. The lunch at Verska Resto was excellent, such beautiful and tasty dishes.

COLOR-WORK DAY: yesterday we were very busy working on the wrists and all the students got a homework to finish them up. Some quick ones even made nice braids to top of the cuff. That gives a nice transition to the palm.
Today’s goal was to knit color-work up to the thumb opening. During our lunch break, we visited Seto museum and had lunch at Tsäimaja. We met some farm animals and inspected how Setos lived in old times. Then we had a chance to see the textile treasures. Knitting continued throughout the day regardless of the location. I have really eager, busy working participants, so glad to have you around.

FINGERS DAY: we had a very challenging day today, including a lot of math. We needed to calculate how many stitches for each finger is needed, how they are located on the full round. What stitches to put on the scrap yarn and which ones to keep knitting. First we left behind the little finger, then the ring finger and index finger and started knitting the middle finger. It sure looked funny when it was done.
During our lunch hour, we took a stroll down the promenade and drank some refreshing cups of holy spring water. After dinner, we boarded the ship and went off to a sunset tour which gave us an opportunity to observe the local coastline from the waterfront.

THUMB DAY: we are getting very close finishing the glove. Most of the fingers are done, now it’s time to knit the thumb. There are few tricks for it to look nice – so we had to do some more math and logical thinking but we got it.
We had lunch in a magnificent home restaurant Maagõkõnõ at Toomemäe farm house, where chef Sirje treated us with some glorious pike with mashed potatoes, fresh pickles and some chanterelles. For the dessert, we had homemade berry ice cream. Delicious!
We took a nice after lunch walk in the woods near Saatse museum. Also visited their renewed exhibition about Seto woman’s life in old days.

FARM-HOUSE DAY: we toured along the open handicraft farm houses in Seto all day. We started in Obinitsa Kunstizaal for some shopping and find handicraft admiration. Estonian playwright Kauksi Ülle welcomed us in her studio, and shared some treasures from her collection. Then we visited my friend Kairi, who is a passionate mender, recycler, and calls herself an ancient taylor, because of her passion for hand sewing historic men’s pants. Third we visited Rikka Ivvan’s farmhouse where Sigre showed her work and passion which is bobbin lace. We had lunch at Taarka Tarõ and continued to Ingrid’s Kriisa Talo handicraft house for some more Seto find craft. At Värska handicraft union we saw some beautiful woven blankets, bed covers and carpets. Last stop was at Marje’s house where we tried some tablet weaving and woodblock printing. Their exhibition of bed covers was exquisite. Thank you so much for all the talented crafters in Seto.
We have two more tours this summer, come join us!
Please see more info at https://nordicknitters.com/handicraft-tours/
In August we will be hosting two more tours as follows:
The Seto Handicraft Tour will be in August 1-6, 2023 and on Saturday we will be participating the Kingdom Day Festival in Setoland. More info here: https://fb.me/e/2gc0uMD1L
The Haapsalu Lace Knitting Tour will be August 23-30, 2023 and on Sunday we will be attending the Lace Festival events. More info here: https://fb.me/e/2PpGSBuMY

By |2023-07-26T17:42:20+00:00July 26th, 2023|Nordic Knitters|0 Comments

Learning Old Võru County Handicraft: Linen Work and Spinning in Southern ESTONIA

DAY1: today started the Handicraft Tour to Old Võru County in Estonia. What a pleasure to see old friends again and make some new friends. We stopped for lunch in Tartu and I had a little walking tour there. Then we continued to Võru Kubija Hotel and Nature Spa. Had our first handicraft workshop on honey comb knitting. The evening most probably brings more knitting and a lot of joy in a good company of similar minded cool people. Not to forget the dinner and some spa treatments.

DAY2: our handicraft tour took us to Rõuge today. But first we stopped at the local museum and heard about Võru history, language and textiles of course. Then we had a hike in the woods which took us to the only canyon in Estonian in Hinni. The spring water was really tasty and refreshing but the mosquitoes were vicious. In Rõuge we got lucky and we were the first visitors of the season in the local handicraft store. Before lunch we also visited Ööbikuorg and we’re fascinated by the perpetum mobile water pumps vesioinas. The lunch at Ööbikuoru villa was delicious and their premises so very beautiful located between three lakes. The afternoon brought us the workshop of sprang belt weaving. Marit Kylv is a great teacher and everybody ended up liking the difficult technique.

DAY3: today we visited the Estonian national museum in Tartu. It really is an amazing museum and every time I go there is something new. I like that it really focuses on every day life of simple men and women, today and yesterday and hundred years ago.

DAY4: today was flax to linen day. Thanks to Margit Pensa and Marit Külv as our wonderful knowledgeable skillful teachers we learned all the tricks how to turn a stiff dried flex stem into silky material. We used all the old tools from beautiful Karilatsi Põlva Talurahva Muuseum, also drop spindles and spinning wheels to create linen yarn. We also toured on the museum premises and were served tasty lunch by Taevaskoja caterers. To finish the day we took a nice hike to see natural wonders in Taevaskoja.

DAY5: today we had two workshops and therefore had no time to drive around, stayed put at the Kubija hotel. Our main topic of the day was the inlay knitting. It is called Roosimine in Estonian and is very widely used in Tõstamaa area in Western Estonia. We also had a workshop on cyanotype printing. As the hotel is located in the middle of the woods it was great source of plant material to be used. We each arranged a beautiful setting, placed it on the prepared textile, put a glass sheet on top of it and let it sit in the sun for 10 minutes. The UV rays reacted with a chemical leaving beautiful prints on the textile.
Thank you, Lüüli Kiik for teaching us all the tricks.

THE LAST DAY: our final workshop was on ancient copper spiral decoration. We have seen these findings of Kukruse lady at the national Museum, now we had an opportunity to make one of our own. But at first we strolled through Kreutzwald’s homestead, which is now a museum in Võru, and our teacher of the day Marika Sepp showed us all the fine handicraft items in their household. The workshop was fun: required some logical thinking and a lot of patients but we all succeeded. The next stop is Riga and the annual grand handicraft market at the ethnographic museum!
Bon voyage my friends!
See you next year!

Please read more about the tours here https://nordicknitters.com/handicraft-tours/
Welcome to Estonia! More info at info@nordicknitters.com

By |2023-07-10T10:19:57+00:00July 10th, 2023|Nordic Knitters|0 Comments

Sock Knitting Festival in Kihnu Island

I’m so happy to be on Kihnu island again, because tomorrow will start the three day knitting festival.
We will be knitting authentic Kihnu women’s socks. Kihnu island is one of the few places in Estonia where women still wear daily their traditional skirts.

DAY 1: In the morning we were welcomed by the organizers with some local smoked fish sandwiches and beautiful handmade knitting bags. They divided us into two groups, we had total of four teachers and the Kihnu sock knitting could begin. The motif repeat was really wide – 50 stitches and the needles were really thin 1.75 mm.  So it took a lot of unraveling to do it right. I finished the color work part and couple inches of white travel stitch part. So much fun and it will continue tomorrow.

DAY 2: so much knitting was done during this sunny but windy day on Kihnu island. In order to save us from back pain and arm pain and neck pain the organizers invited a Shindo therapist to instruct a group exercise session. We also had a really fun excursion around the island in the special lorry. A marvelous dinner was followed by a smoke sauna which by the way is in a UNESCO intangible heritage list as a tradition in Estonia.

What a great day!

Book your on tour or find out what we offer for coming summer here: https://nordicknitters.com/handicraft-tours/

More info at info@nordicknitters.com

By |2023-07-10T09:37:46+00:00July 10th, 2023|Nordic Knitters|0 Comments

Bringing Vintage Knitting Style to Muhu Island

Sydney Crabaugh, a vintage knitting designer and the head mistress at the Squid’s School of Vintage Knitting visited me in April, 2023 and together we visited the Estonian National Museum. It is amazing – I haven’t been here a while and forgot that the level of interaction and technology and diversity is really astonishing.
The second day we had a great opportunity to discover Seto treasures both in Värska and Obinitsa. Delicious meals and fine handicraft pleased our souls.
Our first day on Muhu island was breathtakingly beautiful. We met different handicraft masters and had a chance to admire their work at their workshops. We were staying in the historic Vanatoa Farm Hotel and dined at Tõnise.
Our second day on Muhu island took us to the color paradise. This was the place where brightness and joy lives. We visited Velli Saabas, well respected local woolen skirt fabric weaver at her workshop. We saw many beautiful old items at a local museum.
Please contact us infonordicknitters.com for your custom made tour in Estonia.
Bon voyage!


By |2023-07-10T08:09:57+00:00July 10th, 2023|Nordic Knitters|0 Comments

Nordic Knitters Gloves and Mittens Were Popular at SLOYDFEST in Åland, Finland

In the end of August, Eckerö Post- & Tullhus hosted local handicraft masters and also ambassadors from mainland Finland and Setomaa, Estonia. There were two days full of old techniques and draftsmanship. Visitors could participate in many different workshops and learn to knit, crochet, embroider, do bobbin lace, make a belt or a rope, try blacksmith and basket making.

Setomaa was represented by four masters: Maret Vabarna taught traditional colorful seto crochet, Ingit Kala instructed table weaving, Sigre Andreson did bobbin lace and Külli Kõppo-Jacobson showed an interesting way to make a cuff for a mitten or glove – a sgort rows technique.

We arrived couple of days earlier, so we had a chance to look around the island a bit. Also tasted really nice local food and stopped by Eckerö museum for a quick visit.

Thank you so much, Hanna Wiik-Rosenqvist and SloydFest team to invite us over and to organize such a smooth visit for us.


By |2020-09-04T10:23:28+00:00September 4th, 2020|Nordic Knitters|0 Comments

Nordic Knitters Are Presenting in Åland, FINLAND Handicraft Festival

This summer’s large arts and crafts exhibition and festival at Eckerö Post & Tullhus is organized by the association Ålands Slöjd & Konsthantverk and Ålands museum.

The exhibition presents arts and crafts in many different techniques by craftsmen from Åland and the Nordic countries.

The theme is broad, there are activities for almost all interests. The craftsmen are free to choose how they interpret the theme.

The exhibition shows works by 24 Åland artisans but also by visiting course and workshop leaders from Sweden, Finland, Norway, Denmark and Estonia, a total of 46 artisans participate in FESTIVAL.

The Nordic participants lead courses and workshops during the craft festival , SLOYD FEST , which Ålands Slöjd & Konsthantverk arranges at Eckerö Post & Tullhus 29 – 30 August.
The program is added to the website www.sloydfest.net .
At the festival, visitors can experience courses, workshops, lectures and demonstrations in many different craft techniques and materials. There will also be a market for quality crafts from all over the Nordic region.

This is an important cultural exchange between the Nordic countries that began with last summer’s exhibition, ÖAR – Island craft , at Eckerö Post & Tullhus.

The cooperation between the different nations in 2019 turned out very well and the exhibition attracted many satisfied visitors to Åland and Eckerö and will therefore continue this year as well!

The exhibition FESTIVAL is shown on the second floor (no elevator) in Eckerö Post- & Tullhus
from the beginning of June – 27.9 2020. Open every day at 10-18, free admission.

Ålands Slöjd och Konsthantverk is an association for those who like, want to support and are interested in crafts, design and arts and crafts. It is an organization for professional craftsmen and artisans and help and support them in their work, e.g. through continuing education and joint public relations activities.

Source: https://www.konsthantverk.ax/blog/sommarutstallningen-festival/

By |2020-07-15T09:04:33+00:00July 15th, 2020|Nordic Knitters|0 Comments
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